Helly Yea Thumbnail

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Helly Yea



Game Description

Fly a helicopter. Blow stuff up. Upgrade your copter with machine guns. Defeat your opponent. Can we get a HELLY YEA?!?!


see in game instructions

Helly Yea Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJun 25, 2014
DeveloperArcade Bomb

about 6 years ago

when i open the map, it is just a tiny x .-.

Doody Mc Dood

about 6 years ago

thats a stickman with his arms up

country boy 14

about 6 years ago

pretty cool game. pressed tab and had to restart


about 6 years ago

nvm just finished the game found out why >:D


about 6 years ago

The game is great!


about 6 years ago

Quite a challenge, but quite fun, too !!


about 6 years ago

Nice game....im addicted


about 6 years ago

Flippin Baws!

doodle master258

over 10 years ago

im a patato im a patato im a patato 200,000,000,000 YeArS LaTeR im a patato...


over 10 years ago

fun but hate that you cant save and it always backs out on its own