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Game Description

There is plenty of fish in the sea and you must eat them all. is a cute, addictive MMO where players spawn as multicolored fish who compete to eat up errant fish flakes on the sea floor. The more you eat, the bigger you get and the bigger you get the more you can eat. For you see, once you're bigger than an opposing player you'll be able to feast upon them. A wise Jedi once said "there is always a bigger fish" and he was right. The only way to be safe from the threat of ever-inflating fish is to become the bigger fish. While seems cute it is indeed a ruthless arena-based fighter where only one little fish will swim their way to the top of the leader board. Will it be you? Do you have what it takes to chew up the competition or are you just chum waiting to happen? Try to hide amongst the flora and fauna of the undersea world, track down the opposing players and feel absolutely free to pick on someone smaller than you. After all, that is how nature works. The weak are meat and the strong will eat. It sounds fair as long as you make sure to always be the strong and never falter, for even an instant. How to Play / Game Instructions: Before the game starts you may customize the color and name of your fish. Mouse: Use your cursor to control your fish. Right Mouse Button: Use the right mouse button to control the camera and view the arena from different angles. Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateDec 15, 2018

4453 plays


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