Brain Trainer
Game Description
Brain Trainer is a free puzzle game. Brain Trainer is like one of those clever quizzes that is absolutely impossible to guess, it's like a test for idiots that only the most brilliant people around can pass. Brain Trainer will trick you into seeing the world from a new point of view. You'll thrill to the different types of questions and their audacity, hilarity, and originality. Brain trainer is a clever quiz game that is designed to get inside your head and live under your skin. These are questions that will tease your mind, tickle your consciousness, and make you ask the big questions about life and everything. Brain Trainer is a game designed for people who know everything but are open to learning everything else. This is a series of questions that will have you facepalming, cheering, and pulling your hair out. We know that Brain Trainer is a special game. It is a game that takes its rightful place in the long and hallowed tradition of quiz games that are more clever than most of their players. If your think you have what it takes to beat this game then we double-dog dare you to prove it.
On your mobile device or desktop computer please use your mouse to point, click, and drag or your finger to point and tap to answer the questions.
Brain Trainer Gameplay
Leave a reviewover 2 years ago
If you don't know the answer, the game doesn't tell you. just starts all over. arghhhhh!